Edit Toaso pide ayuda para su hermano Elod

image En el siguiente link http://www.toasoelod.com/en/index.html hay una petición de la hermana de Edit Toaso para su hermano Elod.

Para ver la traducción al español de google ver el siguiente vinculo http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=en&js=n&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.toasoelod.com%2Fen%2Findex.html&sl=en&tl=es

Contenido del pedido de ayuda:

Por favor, únase a nosotros y firmen la petición para Elod Toaso haciendo clic en este enlace:

http://www.petitiononline.com/erdely17/petition.html and after signing, see more http://www.petitiononline.com/erdely17/petition.html y después de la firma, ver más

Tóásó Előd - Segíts Neki kérlek! My dear, well-meaning friends and supporters! Mi querido y bien amigos y simpatizantes!

My brother Elod Toaso, 28 years old, who is now in a Bolivian jail, beaten, tortured, deeply debased and terrorized, requires our help, NOW! Mi hermano Elod Toaso, 28 años de edad, quien se encuentra ahora en una cárcel de Bolivia, golpeados, torturados, aterrorizados y profundamente degradada, requiere nuestra ayuda, AHORA!

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At every moment, his life is in danger. En todo momento, su vida está en peligro.

We’ve engaged the best office of legal counsel in Bolivia for representing Elod. The estimated cost of this legal service for the year 2009 is $15,000 dollars, which has to be paid urgently in advance and in full. Hemos contratado los mejores oficina de un abogado en Bolivia para representar Elod. El costo estimado de este servicio jurídico para el año 2009 es de $ 15.000 dólares, que se ha de pagar por adelantado y con urgencia en su totalidad.

Előd: Veres után una estrategia héttel Please help us, contribute with any amount, no matter how much or how little, your generous contribution will secure this payment so that Elod’s life can be spared! Por favor ayúdenos a contribuir con cualquier cantidad, no importa cuánto o cuán poco, su generosa contribución a garantizar el pago a fin de que Elod la vida puede ser salvado!

With many thanks, God Bless, Con muchas gracias, Dios los bendiga,

Edit Toaso Denes Editar Toaso Denes

Evidence of beatings Prueba de golpes

The contributions for the Elod Toaso defense fund are being collected at two bank accounts managed by the Budapest office of the international Knights of Malta Charitable organization, or KMFAP. Las contribuciones para el Fondo de Defensa Elod Toaso se están recogidas en dos cuentas bancarias administradas por la Oficina de Budapest de los Caballeros de Malta internacionales organización de caridad, o KMFAP.

Name of the account holder is: KMFAP Nombre del titular de la cuenta es: KMFAP

Contributions should be clearly marked: Las contribuciones deben ser claramente marcados:

“For Elod Toaso”, and should be sent to the following bank branch: "Para Elod Toaso", y deberá enviarse a la siguiente rama:

MKB Bank, Szent Istvan ter 11, 1051 Budapest, Hungary Banco MKB, Szent Istvan ter 11, 1051 Budapest, Hungría

Bank’s Central office: MKB Bank Zrt., Vaci u. Oficina Central del Banco: Banco MKB Zrt., Vaci u. 38, 1056 Budapest, Hungary 38, 1056 Budapest, Hungría

Swift code: MKKB HU HB Código Swift: MKKB HU HB

For contributions in Euro: 10300002-10319678-48820018 Para las contribuciones en euros: 10300002-10319678-48820018


For US Dollar contributions: 10300002-10319678-40120015 Dólar EE.UU. para las contribuciones: 10300002-10319678-40120015


Many THANKS to all of you! Muchas gracias a todos ustedes!

Contenido de la petición:

To:  Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering


2009, April 28

To: Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering

President of the European Parliament


Dear Mr. President,

We would like to request for your help in the following case:

In the early morning of April 16 armed Bolivian military authorities attacked

a group of European citizens in a hotel in Santa Cruz were the five men were staying. Four European nationalities were involved, including Irish, Hungarian, Romanian and Croatian.

Three of the five men were executed on the spot; two of them were arrested. One of them is the Hungarian citizen Elöd Tóásó (28) who is a Transylvanian Hungarian.

It is a fact that Mr. Tóásó was being tortured after his arrest and it is a fact that he is being imprisoned under inhuman conditions in La Paz state prison. This is against the spirit and practice of European law.

The Bolivian authorities are charging the five men of committing the crime of “conspiracy against the Bolivian state”. This is a very severe charge which could not be proved yet by the Bolivian authorities. We are worried about the fact that the Bolivian authorities will not grant Mr. Tóásó a fair trial, neither that they will respect his human rights.

Dear Mr. president, you are the president of the European Parliament. Hence you are legally and morally representing 450 million European citizens. The European Union is a tremendous economic power in the world and it enjoys moral respect. In a number of countries the EU is respected because it is supporting the international legal order and is committed to the case of human rights. In this spirit and in the knowledge of these values only We would like to make you the following request:

1. The European Parliament should initiate an independent fact-finding mission to investigate the conditions of the executions in Bolivia in this case.

2. The European Parliament should do everything to guarantee Elöd Tóásó a fair trial and the respect for his human rights while being in custody in Bolivia

Tòásò Dénes Edit / Sister of Tóásó Elõd

European Committe Hungarian

Human Rights Central Europa

Foundation Amsterdam


The Undersigned